44 Days of Omer 5780, Strong Divine Presence, Gevurah Shekhinah

Today is forty-four days, which is six weeks and two days of the Omer in the year 5780. גבורה שבשכינה, Gevurah ShebeSchechinah, Strength of Divine Presence.

Shabbat: vessel of Strong Divine Presence

Traditionally, many aspects of modern life are set aside on Shabbat.

Others meld cultural norms of the majority culture with their Jewish expression. Or perhaps ignore the call of Shabbat entirely. 

Shabbat exists whether or not we choose to mark her presence.

She is the weekly vessel of Divine Presence. Shabbat calls out to us in every seventh second of every minute of every hour of every day.

Choosing life during the pandemic

Life is a series of choices. We can choose to face this entirely novel situation with clear-eyed belief in the strength of the scientific establishment. We can choose, as Jews who believe saving a life is superior to all else, to align ourselves with public health experts urging caution.

With the strength of Divine Presence, we can gain the fortitude necessary to weather these long days, and months without physically seeing our communities. 

I expect to spend the High Holy Days as I spent Pesach — surrounded by my immediate family. Yet, I do not know when I will be able to hug my extended family; never mind my larger Jewish communities.

Choosing to wrap myself in my tallit, reminding myself that I am always supported by the Strong Divine Presence.

Previously on the 44th day of Omer

5779 / 2019: Strength of Divine Feminine radiating through us.

5778 / 2018: Mothers reflect Divine Strength.

5777 / 2017: Letting go and embracing Divinity.


45 days of Omer 5780: Beautiful Divine Presence, Tiferet of Shekhinah


43 days of Omer: Covenantal Love of Divine Presence, Chesed of Shekhinah