Eleven Days of the Omer, Enduring Discipline

Tonight begins eleven days, which is one week and four days of the Omer, נצח שבגבורה, Netzach ShebeGevurah, Endurance of Strength.

The synthesis of all that came before it and all that will come after it. Today is a day to imagine your way into a new life. Use all of the creativity you possess to define the person you want to be. Take a simple step towards achieving that vision.

Your soul yearns to move towards your mission

Forget every day that preceded this moment. No matter what narrative you have been telling yourself about your life: it is a lie. Every narrative has aspects of bondage within it. Whatever description you give to yourself binds you to the person you have been. Free yourself to be the person you want to become.

You think you'll never be an artist. You don't have to be Picasso to allow your creativity free reign. Dream big. Have a clear eyed vision of your goals. Then, step back and choose one small step to start moving toward that goal.

Meditating three years on Facebook's stranglehold

I don't have answers. I used to think I was the embodiment of Gevurah because I am my family's protective shield and my partner is our loving heart. While it is true that we bring different strengths into our family, none of us can claim to fully embody a Divine emanation.

And the reality is that even when meditating on discipline, it can be hard to embody it. It is true being a full-time student, I spend far too much time deepening my online social media relationships. I thrive on human interaction, particularly discussing big ideas with other adults. I am not trying to quit Facebook or any other platform. Rather, I want to contain my impulses and ensure that each day, I accomplish the small steps I need to complete my longer term goals.

As an ongoing project, I am working on one action to help me achieve enduring discipline: getting to sleep earlier. Because endurance is only possible when you're awake enough to embody it. And discipline is impossible if you don't have the mental energy to focus.

Previously on the eleventh day of the Omer

11 Days of the Omer 2018 / 5778: Recognize that your will is powerful.

11 Days of the Omer 2017 / 5777: Choosing clear-eyed focus on the person you want to be. Letting go of negative judgments.


Twelve Days of the Omer 5779, Splendor of Strength


Ten Days of the Omer: Truthful Discipline