Fifteen Days of the Omer 5777

Today is fifteen days, which is two weeks and one day, ofthe Omer. Chesed of Tiferet / Emet. Pure Love in Compassion / Beauty / Truth.

Thehighest level of Truth is distinct from the whims of my ego. It is expressedthrough Pure Love. When we see Truth, we remark about its innate Harmony, thepure Beauty of it all. This Truth creates Compassion -- understanding and beingof service to others not to elevate one's ego, but to elevate the holiness thatflows through all of us.

I am deepened by my counting this year. In truth, it isthe first year that I have been exact about counting each night and trulyreflecting on the day's sephira. Yet, it has also given me an excuse to delvedeeper into my Facebook addiction.

So, in mypursuit of holiness and my desire to be present and compassionate to thosearound me, I am going to stop checking Facebook compulsively throughout theday. Hopefully, this will encourage me to begin counting as soon as the sunsetallows me to. Here's to thirty three days of visiting Facebook once a day.


Eight Days of the Omer 5777


Sixteen Days of the Omer 5777