Ten Days of the Omer 5777

Today is ten days, which is one week and three days of theOmer. Tiferet in Gevurah, Compassion in Discipline.

There is an inherent tension between those two words. I have trouble expressing pure compassion - selflessly accepting another on their own terms. I'm reading "Group Spiritual Direction," by Rose Mary Dougherty, a Christian perspective on being present for another as they find their way to the Spirit within that flows through all of us.

While thetheology of the book is not mine, it is helping me understand the principlesbehind the (required) spiritual direction class I am in. And it clarifies forme what it means to "channel and direct one's strengths withcompassion." (Paraphrase of the Meaningful Life Center meditation fortoday.)

I didn't accomplish a tenth of my agenda for the day. Withcompassion, I am accepting the vicissitudes of toddler time and moving forward.


Eleven Days of Omer 5777


Nine Days of the Omer 5777