Thirteen Days of Omer 5777

Today is thirteen days, which is one week and six days, ofthe Omer. Yesod of Gevurah, Bonding in Discipline / Judgement / Reverence.

Whenever Ijudge, a piece of me gets stuck to the judgment. This is part of the reasongossiping is an extreme sin according to Jewish law. Judging capriciously ormaliciously creates a place for evil. This is also why discipline that isfear-based backfires, causing our children to listen less; loosening the bondsbetween us.

Mycommitment is to seeking the higher path of discipline, always seeking to lookbeyond my immediate thoughts and feelings to the reverential essence of being.

I will explain to my children why we find it so disturbingthat they drink bath water and attempt to drink from the dog's water, ratherthan simply yelling and punishing. I will work harder to work through myfeelings and respond without raising my voice. Yes, I am only human and Iforgive myself for my inconsistency. Today, this is my exercise.


Twenty-five days of the Omer 5778


Twelve Days of Omer 5777