Thirteen Days of Omer 5778

Today is thirteen days, which is one week and six days of the Omer. יסוד שבגבורה, Yesod of Gevurah, Foundation of Strength and Discipline.

What is the rock of your strength? How do you firmly plant your vision for yourself in your daily life? Where are there cracks in your discipline?

Other people crying and refusing to walk the line are my biggest cracks. I’m learning how to slow down and make space for toddlers who need more transition time than I’m used to. I’m learning to ride the wave of feelings rather than responding in anger. Sometimes I fall off my surfboard and revert to engrained responses.

Lack of sleep also causes cracks in my foundation of discipline.

I’ve had a crazy day that started with two hours of sleep and ended being across the country from my family, my true foundation. Chung-Mau sent me the most precious recording of our son discussing mama milk and moo moo milk.

May you have a firm foundation that includes humans as well as ideas. May you be surrounded by people who help you become the person you want to be. And may you know the joy of living deeply and intentionally. Laila Tov! Goodnight!


Fourteen Days of the Omer 5778


Twelve Days of the Omer 5778