Curiosity within Magnificence, 31 Days of Omer 5783

mist over forest and river

Today is thirty-one days, which is four weeks and three days of the Omer in the year 5783. תפארת שבהוד. Tiferet ShebeHod, Curiosity within Magnificence. Without over-analyzing life, making space for the inherent Beauty of being alive. Choosing a light touch.

The Mist Hides & Reveals

With mist and fog, our perception is limited.

Sometimes, this helps our minds expand.

We no longer need Certainty.

Instead, we dance with Curiosity.

The Wonder of a Child

Not another living being.

The wonder of the child within each of us.

Allowing the child within a voice.

Making space for play.

Loving Curiosity & Wonder.

Gratitude for Magnificence

The Splendor of Hod,

The Magnificence of Being.

What response can we have?

Breathe in Wonder,

Breathe out Gratitude.

Image by Alain Audet from Pixabay.


Enduring Gratitude, 32 Days of Omer 5783


Boundaries of Gratitude, 30 Days of Omer 5783