Enveloped By Divine Presence, 49 Days of Omer 5783

peak of a mountain seen through billowy white clouds and a bright blue sky above

Today is the forty-ninth day, which is seven weeks of the Omer in the year 5783. שכינה שבשכינה, Shekhinah ShebeShekhinah, Enveloped By Divine Presence. Our count of the Omer is complete. We have reached seven weeks. At sundown, Shavuot begins. The celebration of our Weeks is upon us. Revelation awaits. God is pulsing through the air, encouraging us to expand our consciousness.

Brilliant Light

The Light of God awaits in every breath.

Becoming is always with us.

Our spirits desire to speak with us.

Our souls yearn for communion.

Sacred Community

We live into our best selves through Sacred Community.

Others allow us to opportunities for growth.

Souls in conversation gain confidence.

Interconnected, we are never alone.

Holy Presence

When two people speak deeply, the Holy Presence resides with them.

With a minyan, with ten souls, we hold HaMakom, the Holy Presence, between us.

Returning to the Depths, we are nestled in the Holy Presence.

El Shaddai, God of Breasts, supports us as we transform ourselves & the world.

Image by Kanenori from Pixabay


Requesting Forgiveness, Selichot 5783


Foundation of Divine Presence, 48 days of the Omer 5783