Indwelling of Bonding, 42 Days of Omer 5783

waterfall in Iceland at sunrise

Today is forty-two days, which is six weeks of the Omer in the year 5783. שכינה שביסוד Shekhinah ShebeYesod, Indwelling of Bonding. How do we allow ourselves to be infused by our relationships? How do our Foundational Values rest within us?

Nourished by Love, Strength, Truth, Justice, and Beauty

Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet: the values associated with this triad of the Divine nourish me.

Whenever I falter, I remember their guidance.

I sink into prayer to bring myself back to this foundation.

Bonded to Family, Community, and Humanity

My spiritual searching helps me move beyond my ego.

I can more clearly see the souls around me.

I hold myself more gently, allowing others to fill me with wonder.

Creating Communal Space

Together, we are stronger than we are alone.

Consciously building communal space, we support each other’s growth.

We love one another into our best selves.

Working For Justice

Claiming that religion should be a sanctuary is a shonda, a disgrace.

If our spiritual knowledge does not compel us to action, we’re chasing idolatry.

Challenging Jew hatred and other forms of bigotry.

Holding communal space with neighbors who do not agree with us on everything.

Making Time to Dance

Life deserves joy and laughter.

Living is not war.

Living is a journey of self discovery and communal uplift.

Image by David Mark via Pixabay.


Grace within Divine Presence, 43 Days Omer 5783


Bonding within Bonding: Our Foundation, 41 Days Omer 5783