The Magic of Contemplation
Considering the importance of words. Reflecting on how Counting the Omer can help deepen our journey through life. Sermon given at Temple Israel of Alameda.
Boundaries within Bonding, 37 Days Omer 5783
Today is 37 days of the Omer, Gevurah ShebeYesod, Boundaries within Bonding. When we have firm boundaries, our relationships our stronger. Boundaries allow us to live into our life’s purpose.
Grace within Foundation, 36 Days Omer 5783
36 days of the Omer 5783, Chesed ShebeYesod. Grace within Foundation. Holding space for God’s Love as we walk the path of Goodness, Truth, Justice, and Beauty.
Indwelling of Humility, 35 Days of the Omer 5783
Today is 35 days of the Omer, Shekhinah ShebeHod, the Indwelling of Humility. It takes strength to let go our egos enough to fully see the souls around us.
Foundation of Humility, 34 Days of Omer 5783
Today is 34 days of the Omer, Yesod ShebeHod, Foundation of Humility. Honoring the fullness of our own humanity in order to create space for the people around us.
Spiritual Light of Dr. Bob Levy: Lag Ba’Omer 5783
Today is the 33rd day of the Omer, Lag Ba’Omer. The essence of Hod, Gratitude, Splendor, and Spiritual Light. It is also the third yarzheit of Dr. Bob Levy, tz”l.
Enduring Gratitude, 32 Days of Omer 5783
32 Days of the Omer, Enduring Gratitude. Choosing to gaze into the Glory of being alive, appreciating all that is. Never ignoring what needs to change.
Curiosity within Magnificence, 31 Days of Omer 5783
Thirty one days of the Omer, Tiferet ShebeHod. Curiosity within Magnificence. Making space for wonder and joy.
Boundaries of Gratitude, 30 Days of Omer 5783
Thirty days of the Omer. Boundaries of Gratitude. Recognizing that some things make you seem ungrateful, but in the end — Gratitude and Splendor create Joy.
Grace within Gratitude, 29 Days Omer 5783
29 Days of the Omer, Grace in Gratitude. Meditating on Psalm 19.
28 Days: Indwelling Presence of the Eternal, Shekhinah ShebeNetzach
28 Days of the Omer: Shekhinah ShebeNetzach: Indwelling Presence of Eternity. Accepting God as my Rock and my Redeemer.
Taking Fandom Seriously
Thought on why fan culture is so popular and how it relates to religious texts.
Relationships: Foundation of Endurance, 27 Days Omer 5783
27 Days of the Omer, Yesod ShebeNetzach. Relationships are the Foundation of Endrance
Splendor of Eternity, 26 Days of the Omer 5783
Today is 26 days of the Omer, Hod ShebeNetzach, Splendor within Eternity. The weight of soul knowledge is crashing into reality. Holding space for the Splendor within ourselves to voice Prophetic Truth.
Eternal Endurance, 25 Days of the Omer 5783
Today is 25 days of the Omer, Netzach ShebeNetzach, Eternal Endurance. Finding the will to create space for Eternity within our speech.
Healing Waters Within Endurance, 24 Days Omer 5783
24 Days of the Omer, Healing Waters within Endurance. Allowing ourselves to reflect on the miracle of being alive and accept ourselves, flaws and all.
Boundaries of Endurance, 23 Days Omer 5783
Today is 23 Days of the Omer, Gevurah ShebeNetzach. Boundaries within Endurance. Accepting the limits of our human capacity, never forgetting that we are held by the Eternal.
Grace Within Eternal Mastery, 22 Days Omer 5783
22 Days of the Omer, Chesed ShebeNetzach, Grace within Eternal Mastery. Finding the will to listen to the Divine whispering our life’s purpose into reality.
Indwelling of Balance, 21 Days of the Omer 5783
Today is 21 days, which is three weeks of the Omer in the year 5783. Indwelling of Harmony. Allowing the Balance within space to speak. Having the courage to live into ourselves.
Foundation of Balance & Israel’s 75th Birthday, 20 Days Omer 5783
Twenty days of the Omer and Israel’s 75th Birthday as a modern state. Foundation of Balance. Reflecting on how Zionism is central to my identity.